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History of Space Exploration
Sputnik I (1957)
The first artificial satellite in orbit in space

Sputnik II (1957) with the first animal in orbit, the dog Laika

Mercury Mission (1960)

Yuri Gagarin, First man in orbit in space (1961) in Vostok Rocket

Valentina Tereshkova
First woman in orbit in space in Vostok 6 (1963)

Geminis Missions (1964 -1966)

Soyuz Missions (1967 - Now)

Apollo Mission (1967 - 1973)
The rocket to arrive to the moon

The top part of Saturn V Rocket carries the Apollo Command Module, the service module and the lunar excursion module.

The Apollo Command Module and Service Module
Ilustration of the Apollo Command Module, reentering Earth's atmosphere after returning from a trip to the moon, 1969

Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon in 1969
Skylab (1973 -1979)
Was the first space station

Space Shuttle (1981 -2011) The first reusable spacecraft

Space Shuttle landing like a plane

Space Shuttle Design

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